Zeigen 1-2 of 2 Bücher
Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?
Exploring the question of whether demands for multiculturalism may actually be harmful for women, calling anti-feminist practices such as female genital mutilation into liberal democracies, these essays add to a contenious social and political debate.
gender/feminism, Social Science Susan Moller Okin
Two Cheers for Anarchism
A spirited defense of the anarchist approach to life James Scott taught us what's wrong with seeing like a state. Now, in his most accessible and personal book to date, the acclaimed social scientist makes the case for seeing like an anarchist. Inspired by the core anarchist faith in the possibilities of voluntary cooperation without hierarchy, Two Cheers for Anarchism is an engaging, high-spirited, and often very funny defense of an anarchist way of seeing--one that provides a unique and powerful perspective on everything from everyday social and political interactions to mass protests and revolutions. Through a wide-ranging series of...
anarchism, Philosophy James C. Scott